Residential Project Gudrunstrasse, Vienna:
For this residential project in Vienna, 11th district, we carried out the project management and the local construction supervision, as well as the static planning. It is a residential complex with nearly 60 small to medium sized apartments and small offices on the first floor, including a single level underground parking garage. The project has been completed and was handed over to the developer in June 2021. Currently, the property management is still supported in warranty management. Precise cost management and logistics in a city center location were a particular criterion for this project.
Extension and Reconstruction of the Police Headquarters in Klagenfurt – Construction Site Coordination:
OKZT is responsible for the coordination of the construction site according to the Construction Site Coordination Act (BauKG). The construction task to be solved takes place in a very complex environment, during ongoing operations with public party traffic. The local construction supervision and OKZT, as the responsible construction site coordinator, are working together to ensure an orderly and, above all, safe construction process for all parties involved.
The project is nearing completion.
Wietersdorfer & Peggauer Group, New Office Building at The Wietersdorf Site, Carinthia:
The new building project is part of the sustainable plant modernization and comprises a 3-story above-ground structure with office use as well as workrooms for the staff. OKZT is acting as the general planner and is responsible for project management and local construction supervision.
A key criterion in the planning is sustainable building operation. Among other things, the system of thermal component activation is used. Other important planning criteria are an employeefriendly working environment and the integration of the client’s typical manufacturing products in the architecture. Close interlinking with our partner offices of HKLSE planning is particularly important here.
The project is about to start construction.
Reconstruction Volksbank / Sparda Villach, Bahnhofsplatz:
OKZT is responsible for the submission and execution planning as well as the project management and the local construction supervision. Internal reconstruction due to a change of use from office operation to partial residential use. During the conversion, the bank branch and office areas remain fully operational. Construction has just begun.
New Construction + Reconstruction of Residential Complex in Krumpendorf on Lake Wörth:
For this project, OKZT is responsible for the drainage and foundation design as well as for the local construction supervision and the preparation of the tenders. The buildings are erected on inhomogeneous building ground. The interlocking of our different planning areas such as structural engineering, statics and infrastructure planning, enables an optimal economic solution for our client.
The project is currently in the shell construction phase.
Renovation of a Residential Complex in Lerchenfeldstrasse in Klagenfurt:
On behalf of the condominium association, represented by the property management, a renovation of the existing facade as well as the damp base masonry in the basement area was carried out. OKZT carried out the survey of the existing building, the renovation planning, tendering and the local construction supervision. The renovation was recently completed on time.
Renovation of an Underground Garage of an Apartment Building in Landskron, Ossiacher Lake:
On behalf of the responsible property management, we are entrusted with the structural rehabilitation planning, the tendering and the local construction supervision, based on available investigation results and expert opinions. At the moment we are in the phase of preparation for construction.